Do you ship to my country?

Yes, We proudly ship worldwide!

How long does shipping take? How do I know when I will receive my order?

It all depends on where you are in the world!
Pick a product you are interested in. Put it in the cart and your estimated
delivery time will show up.

How do I track my order?

Keep calm! You will be provided with a tracking
number to know where your package is.

How do I return my items?

Of course. We offer a 7 day guarantee from the
date of the order being received.If you aren’t 100% satisfied with your items, or
received faulty goods, simply email our customer support team at Please include the email address and tracking number
associated with the order and describe the issue, including photos, video if
possible. We will reach back out to you within one or two business days.

Can I change or cancel my order?

Sure! You can cancel, or change your order
within 12 hours of confirmation. Please contact us with your name and order
number at: note that each order varies. Some orders
are filled faster than others. It may not be possible for changes.